Check Rules and Regulations: Understanding UCC 3, 4 and Reg CC (2-Part Series)(2023-03-24)
CourseUniform Commercial Code (UCC) sections 3, 4 and Regulation CC play significant parts in your check operations. Scenarios will be used to illustrate key warranties and how breach of warranty situations may be handled. T202309260A
Regulation E Requirements for Person to Person (P2P) Payments (2023-03-22)
CourseThis timely payments webinar covers compliance requirements for P2P disputes and provide financial institutions with best business practices for complying with Regulation E while protecting the bank or credit union. W202308540B
Accounting for Financial Institutions: ALL 3 CLASSES (2023-03-21)
CourseThis 3-part series continues to be a popular, informative and unique addition to courses available to bank accountants, auditors finance personnel and others. The updated version continues to provide knowledge for professionals. B202305570A
BSA/AML/OFAC - Identifying Suspicious Activity through Client Facing Training (2023-02-24)
CourseThis compliance webinar is not standard BSA/AML/OFAC training to take attendees through BSA requirements but provides training for front-line staff based on red flags that are suspicious plus red flag events that may not be on your radar. W202309760A
Create a Strategic Marketing Plan to Get the Budget You Deserve (2023-02-15)
CourseHeading into a recession which typically means you will be asked to do more with less. Add to that, the struggle that bank marketers have getting the money they need to build their institutions' brand and 2023 could be a disaster. W202310730A
Check Fraud Identification and Response (2023-02-14)
CourseThis payments webinar reviews types of check fraud and will provide insight on how to identify characteristics that could indicate that a check is fraudulent, ongoing monitoring and response. A great check webinar for all institutions. W202310660A