BSA Officer Roundtable on Challenges, Opportunities and Best Business Practices (2021-09-09)
CourseThis BSA webinar is perfect for BSA and Compliance personnel that want to know how to handle daily issues that arise requiring the balance between serving the customer and ensuring the protection of the financial institution. W202108870B
Unique Financial Instruments 101 ONLY: Derivative Products and Their Usage (2021-06-08)
CourseDerivative products and their usage have been widespread. This webinar attempts to clear up the confusion by demystifying the entire derivative usage area and taking away the mystique surrounding the derivative area of practice. B202108441A
Understanding External Transfer Fraud and How to Mitigate Your Risks (2021-06-03)
CourseExternal transfers is a service offered by financial institutions to move funds between an account holder at their institution to another financial institution owned by the same individual. There has been an uptick of external fraud. W202108950A
2019 Accounting for Financial Institutions: 101, 201, 301 (3-Part Webinar Series)
Commercial Lending Fundamentals: 101, 201 301
Call Report RC-R: Complying with Basel III Minimum Regulatory Capital Standards (2021-05-11)
CourseThe most important Call Report Schedule and probably the most difficult to complete is Schedule RC-R. That Schedule is designed to calculate the four important key ratios that show whether the financial institution is in compliance. W202109520A