Handling Difficult Elder Financial Exploitation Events: Training Frontline Staff on Effective Communication (2020-12-02)
CourseHow do you handle situations when both the victim and their abuser is at the financial institutions to withdraw funds? This BSA Compliance webinar will focus on best business practices for handling these difficult situations. W202007540B
Deposit Operations Fraud: Mitigating Risk Through Back-Office Controls (2021-04-01)
CourseFinancial institutions may be missing the opportunity to identify fraud earlier in the risk management chain if deposit operations do not have the appropriate fraud management structure for identifying fraud. W202106200B
Modernizing Your Payments Programs - Wire, ACH and Debit Card (2021-10-28)
CourseAs the industry is focusing on modernizing the way payments are moving, financial institutions should be paying attention to inefficiencies, streamlined processing, external fraud threats and offering a faster and safe way to move funds. W202109070A
Lease Capitalization—How Moving from Off-Balance Sheet to On-Balance Sheet Affects Borrowers and Lenders (2021-10-28)
CourseThis banking webinar will explain why and when lease capitalization will be implemented and show how capitalizing both operating leases and financing leases affects the financial condition and performance of borrowers. W202109160C
Current Domestic Terrorism Threats for Banks and CUs - Understanding, Identifying and Reporting These Threats (2021-02-10)
CourseWith the coming of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack this year, recent events in DC, Michigan and elsewhere, remind us that it is an opportune time to reflect upon the current threat environment to the U.S. W202108720A
Implementing Zelle and P2P: Understanding Risks, the Regulations and Implementing the Right Controls (2021-11-15)
CourseUnderstand the differences between Zelle and Person-to-Person ACH and Person-to-Person debit card options and obtain detailed information on the risks associated with these payment options and how to mitigate the risks. W202107500E