Call Report Changes To-Date: Critical Quarterly Updates for Preparing Current Reports (2021-10-26)
CourseThis BankersHub accounting webinar is a necessary tool for all preparers who must be current in order to be in substantial compliance with Call Report regulatory requirements. W202106300D
ACH Payments 3-Part Webinar Bootcamp - Fundamentals, SEC, Risks, Returns and Regulations (2020-07-07)
CourseImagine ACH made easier! In this summer seminar with the Payments Professor it will be! If you are new to electronic payments, or have been working with ACH for awhile and want a refresher on the details, then this Bootcamp is for YOU! B202008470A
Documenting Your BSA/AML Business Continuity Plan for Different Disaster Events (2021-04-20)
CourseAs a result of recent disaster events, BSA Officers and supporting staff have realized the importance of incorporating BSA into the financial institutions business continuity plan. W202108890A
Checks and Check Fraud - Reg CC Updates, Fraudulent Check Disputes, Avoiding Losses and Improving Recovery Efforts (2021-01-26)
CourseThis check webinar will cover Reg CC changes, check fraud, return requirements and the adjustment process under the Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circular and Electronic Check Clearing House Organization (ECCHO). W202108100A
Debit Card Fraud Identification, Prevention and Recovery: From Internal Controls to Incident Response (2019-12-04)
CourseThis fraud prevention training will focus on debit card fraud trends, take attendees through each type of debit card fraud event and teach attendees how to identify these types of fraud events. W201906250A
All New! Law Enforcement Requests for Subpoenas, Levies and Garnishments (2021-05-26)
CourseFinancial institution records and funds on deposit often become the center of legal disputes and governmental enforcement actions such as 314a requests, subpoenas, garnishments, and tax levies. W202108880B