CRA 2020 – Community Reinvestment Act Requirements, Modernization Efforts, and Prospective Changes (2020-01-15)
CourseFederal regulators have voiced support to improve regulatory implementation and enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act (12 U.S.C. §§2901-2908) (CRA). Enacted in 1977, the CRA applies to FDIC-insured depository institutions. W202007000A
Process Improvement Tools to Streamline Audit and Regulatory Exam Findings (2019-04-17)
CourseThe quick solutions to resolving audit and exam findings is to add another approval, verification or line to a check list. Over time, this creates unnecessary activities and steps that we continue to do “because we have always done it that way.”
Quarterbacking Long Term Retail Deposits – New Dynamics of Handling Long Term Deposits (2019-04-16)
CourseIn this series of banking webinars you will get the opportunity to interact with the latest in the science and art of long-term deposits.
Account Officer Training on ACH/RDC Credit and Transactional Underwriting, Setting Exposure Limits and Performing Periodic Reviews (2020-11-13)
CourseThis payments webinar will take a deep dive from the time potential ACH and RDC customers are brought to the financial institution for review and approval through the duration of the relationship. W202001230C
Treasury Services Training - Setting Limits and Approving Over-Limits for ACH and RDC Clients (2021-10-20)
CourseHow should banks and credit unions set strong exposure limits for their ACH and RDC clients? This Treasury webinar will take attendees through best business practices for setting exposure limits on your ACH and RDC clients. W202108790C
Cash Flow Projections for Long-Term Financing (2020-03-23)
CourseThis leasing webinar will explain the interrelationships among revenue projections, the expenses needed to support the sales growth as well as the working capital assets, fixed assets, and liabilities necessary to support revenue growth. W202008000A