Documenting Your BSA/AML Business Continuity Plan for Different Disaster Events (2021-12-07)
CourseAs a result of recent disaster events, BSA Officers and supporting staff have realized the importance of incorporating BSA into the financial institutions business continuity plan. W202108890C
Commercial Bank Call Report Intermediate Training – Details of Actual Call Report Filing (2021-02-17)
CourseThis 90-minute accounting training uses a recently filed Call Report as a guide for explaining the important lines on both the Call Report Balance Sheet and Call Report Income Statement. W202106980A
Overview of ALM Asset Liability Management for Interest Rate Risk and the Role of ALCO (2021-02-26)
CourseThis 90-minute accounting training provides an overview of ALM. It focuses on ALM principles and ALM measurement techniques, and auditor or reviewer issues with ALM. W202106310A
Call Reports for Credit Unions 2020: 4-Part Webinar Series for CU Financial Staff (2020-04-09)
CourseCredit Union (CUs) have attracted many newcomers to the industry, often at entry level positions. Those newcomers generally work their way up to more challenging positions at the CU. B202006960A
Your Branch Is Closed…Don’t Open It, Transform It! (2020-07-14)
CourseCOVID-19 has shut down virtually every bank branch. FIs are operating with drive-up and digital banking. This bank webinar highlights branch innovation and engagement elements and focus on the transformation of the in-lobby experience. W202008340B
Risk Management in Wire Transfer - Efficiency Improvements and Mitigation (2021-10-29)
CourseThis payments webinar will provide attendees best business practices for evaluating their current wire transfer program and determining what changes in technology, workflow and monitoring can be implemented. W202109050A