Best Business Practices for Risk Rating Treasury Clients (2019-11-07)
CourseFinancial institutions struggle with understanding how to effectively risk rate their treasury clients based on products and services, financial status, bank statement history, transactional risk reviews, and BSA standards. W201906240B
Diversity and Inclusion - Another Seat at the Table (2021-06-29)
CourseEach year the EEOC fines organizations over half a billion dollars for Diversity and Inclusion infractions, making this one of the top requested and most relevant types of training in the marketplace today. W202109560A
Protecting ATMs from Jackpotting Schemes (2020-07-10)
CourseATM jackpotting is the exploitation of physical and software vulnerabilities in automated banking machines that results in the machines dispensing up to the amount of cash in the ATM. W202007430B
RDC Bootcamp Part 4 ONLY - Exposure Limits and Underwriting (2020-10-15)
CourseThis webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of RDC (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.) This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of rules and regs. B202008684A
Commercial Lending Fundamentals: 101 ONLY - Basics of Lending and Analysis (2019-09-24)
CourseThe Commercial Lending Basics session is designed to introduce participants to the entire process involved in commercial lending. This first part (of a 3 part seri covers investigating a new borrower, the basics of credit analysis... B201904811B
Problem Asset Management and Resolution (2020-06-23)
CourseResolving problems can be expensive and difficult, and managing problem loans properly is a complex, time-consuming task, frequently requiring specialized knowledge and expertise in, credit analysis, bankruptcy and security laws, as well W202005690B