Wire Transfer ALL 3 PARTS – Risk, Compliance, and Controls (2019-06-18-20)
CourseA wire transfer is defined as a fast way to send money and that it can be costly. Attend this 3-part Bootcamp to learn the basics of Wire Transfer, how does it work, the differences between a domestic and international wire. B201904630B
Commercial Lending through the Business Cycle (2020-05-19)
CourseAs borrowers and lenders work through the business cycle, borrowers’ credit needs change, so lenders must be ready to recognize the changes and accommodate their clients’ requirements. W202008060A
Global Cash Flow and Global Debt Service Coverage (2020-04-23)
CourseGlobal cash flow is critical to analyzing and underwriting commercial borrowers, especially privately held firms where the owners and the company are so closely bound together that their assets, liabilities, and income are commingled. W202008030A
Regulation DD From Beginning to End (2020-06-15)
CourseIt has been 20 years since Truth in Savings (TISA) took effect, and many compliance officers are on autopilot when it comes to managing compliance with Regulation DD, often perceived as easy and system-based. W202007720B
RDC Bootcamp Part 2 ONLY - RDC Rules and Regs (2020-10-14)
CourseThis webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of RDC (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.) This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of rules and regs. B202008682A
Quarterbacking Long Term Retail Deposits – Principles of Long Term Deposits (2019-03-05)
CourseExplore the environment, situation, and principles of long-term retail deposits. This session sets the stage for thinking clearly about the long-term saver’s interests, motivations, beliefs and behaviors.