New! Payments Education 104 - Introduction to Wire Transfers (2021-07-07)
CourseHow wires are settled, information to be transmitted, parties and transaction flow. This is an overview of wires, intended for individuals new to wire operations, front line staff, and anyone in Treasury seeking to support clients better. W202109480A
Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Industry Analyst (2020-02-21)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but offers critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202004370B
Managing and Maintaining Your Credit Administration and Credit Policy (2020-02-28)
CourseCredit administration (CA) connects the organization’s credit strategy, credit approval, credit extension, and credit management tasks into a coherent credit risk management function. W202008010A
Risk Rating and Monitoring Your Treasury Customers (2021-11-04)
CourseFinancial institutions struggle with understanding how to effectively risk rate their treasury clients based on products and services, financial status, bank statement history, transactional risk reviews, and meeting BSA standards. W202106240B
Treasury Cash Management: Ensuring Profitability while Effectively Managing Your Risks (2021-06-21)
CourseThis 1 1⁄2 hour treasury cash management training will walk attendees through popular treasury services, their benefits, revenue opportunities, the risks associated with each product and service and how to effectively manage the risks. W202108560B
Top Corporate Customer Fraud Threats and Mitigation Tools (2019-10-17)
CourseThis fraud webinar will focus on the top fraud threats that are targeting corporates and how these clients can mitigate the risks associated with monetary loss and/or reputational risk. W201906130B