Weighing Rules Compliance with Stop Payments and Unauthorized Entries (2019-04-30)
CourseThe NACHA Operating Rules have specifics for you to follow to be sure you comply with the Rules each time you help your account holder with their request(s), whether it’s a Stop Payment Request or Returning an ACH Unauthorized Entry.
Head Teller Training: Maximizing Teller Performance (2021-02-25)
CourseParticipants will receive tools to engage their staff in learning activities which in turn will enable tellers to provide more efficient customer service. Surveys will be provided for team leaders to learn more about team culture. W202107880A
Debit Card Disputes – Consumer Notification to Closing Investigation (2019-06-10)
CourseThis payments webinar will take you through all the issues you may face with a consumer debit card dispute and how to effectively take care of your consumer while balancing Regulation E requirements. W201904910B
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain 101 What Every Bank and CU Needs to Know (2019-08-06)
CourseBitcoins have gotten more traction than early detractors and pundits expected and its price has risen dramatically. This webinar replay examines what companies and banks need to do to prepare for their continued existence. W201905820B
Top 10 HSA Challenges and Mistakes Banks and CUs Make (2020-02-19)
CourseHSAs are one of the fastest growing products currently offered by financial organizations. Join us as we discuss the Top 10 HSA issues that Ascensus’ consulting lines observe and resolve. W202004390A
Strong Risk Assessments: Characteristics and Tools to Monitor and Report Results (2020-04-15)
CourseRisk Assessments are at the core of the ERM Program. Financial Institutions need to conduct Risk Assessments in multiple areas. In this session, we focus on how to develop strong enterprise-wide risk assessments. W202005040A