Overview of FDICIA and SOX for Bank Internal and External Auditors (2020-03-04)
CourseThis banking webinar identifies and explains historical events and legislative milestones as well as compliance requirements associated with FDICIA and SOX. W202006820A
Accountholder Death Requirements - Documentation, POD, POA, Checklist and More (2021-03-16)
CourseWorking with relatives of an accountholder who has recently passed can be difficult and emotionally trying. The situation becomes more stressful when financial institution representatives are unsure of proper procedures to follow. W202108290A
IRA Legal Issues for Banks and CUs, and How to Avoid Them (2020-11-04)
CourseThis retirement webinar covers common legal issues that may arise with IRAs, such as powers of attorney, guardianships, creditors, beneficiary issues, and divorce, as well as how to handle these types of transactions W202007960B
Dormant Accounts and the Escheatment Process: Best Practices for Overcoming Challenges (2021-05-25)
CourseIn this informative session we will provide best practices for managing your unclaimed funds compliance program, including tips for dormant account due diligence. W202109380B
Vendor Risk Management Best Practices for 2019 (2019-11-14)
CourseHow do you filter through the noise and control your third-party cyber exposure? Join us as we discuss the following key components you must have in place to have a solid foundation for your vendor risk management program. W201906540B
FREE 5-Minutes Webinar on AAP Benefits