CRA 2020 – Community Reinvestment Act Requirements, Modernization Efforts, and Prospective Changes (2020-09-30)
CourseFederal regulators have voiced support to improve regulatory implementation and enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act (12 U.S.C. §§2901-2908) (CRA). Enacted in 1977, the CRA applies to FDIC-insured depository institutions. W202007000C
Implementing a Lockbox Program and Assessing Your Risks (2021-03-05)
CourseLockbox Service is a service offered by financial institutions to ease Electronic Bill Payment and to speed-up the collection and processing of account receivables by routing customer payments and remittances to a central location. W202108750A
Wipfli 2019 Community Banking Forum - 5 Live Streaming Webinars (2019-10-09)
CourseThe Community Banking Forum has been designed for executive officers and board members of community banks. It will provide you with information on and insight into current topics that deeply impact community banks today. L201907170
Regulation DD From Beginning to End (2020-12-10)
CourseIt has been 20 years since Truth in Savings (TISA) took effect, and many compliance officers are on autopilot when it comes to managing compliance with Regulation DD, often perceived as easy and system-based. W202007720C
Implementing Zelle and P2P: Understanding Risks, the Regulations and Implementing the Right Controls (2020-11-11)
CourseAttendees will learn the difference between Zelle and Person to Person ACH and Person to Person debit card options and obtain detailed information on the risks associated with these payment options and how to mitigate the risks. W202007500B
Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) Risk Management Program - Managing Risk Effectively and Efficiently (2019-05-09))
CourseThis webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of remote capture (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.).