Writing Effective Business Emails - Improving Your e-Communication Skills (2023-06-14)
CourseThis writing webinar will teach you how to write clearer emails to receive better responses. Well-written emails save time because they allow the recipient to clearly understand the task at hand and respond appropriately and promptly. W202310580B
Create a Strategic Marketing Plan to Get the Budget You Deserve (2023-07-12)
CourseHeading into a recession which typically means you will be asked to do more with less. Add to that, the struggle that bank marketers have getting the money they need to build their institutions' brand and 2023 could be a disaster. W202310730B
Better Business Writing - How to Write Right (2023-06-14)
CourseBusiness writing is best when it is spare and clear, precise and concise. This business webinar is designed to give practical and useful advice on how to tighten up language and organize the content into a logical, convincing read. W202310150C
Implementing Zelle and P2P: Understanding Risks, the Regulations and Implementing the Right Controls (2023-06-14)
CourseAttendees will learn the difference between Zelle and Person to Person ACH and Person to Person debit card options and obtain detailed information on the risks associated with these payment options and how to mitigate the risks. W202307500B
Reg E Error Resolution: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid (2023-05-16)
CourseConsumers appreciate the convenience of conducting transactions electronically. This increased ease of access also exposes them and you as their financial institution to elevated exposure to account compromise and card fraud. W202311150A
Lease Capitalization - Impacts Your Borrowers' Leverage, Liquidity, Profitability and Repayment Ability (2023-06-13)
CourseThis bank webinar will explain why and when lease capitalization will be implemented and show how capitalizing both operating leases and financing leases will impact the financial condition and performance of borrowers. W202310160B