Effective ACH and RDC Underwriting and Setting Exposure Limits (2023-05-09)
CourseAccount officers/relationship officers may not fully understand the regulatory requirements for assessing the risks of ACH and RDC clients. What is the difference between credit underwriting and transactional risk underwriting? W202310630A
Treasury Services Training - Setting Limits and Approving Over-Limits for ACH and RDC Clients (2023-05-09)
CourseThis session covers exposure as defined by NACHA Rules, understanding what type of calculation works best, best business practices for avoiding setting limits too high/low, and best business practices for handling temporary over-limits. W202308790B
Identifying Third Party Senders Risk Assessment – What you need to know (2023-05-03)
CourseNACHA is poised to ensure Third-Party Senders (TPS) understand they must complete a Risk Assessment of their ACH activities in the same manner that financial institutions are required. W202309980B
Evolving Deposit Fraud and Mitigation Tactics for Deposit Operations (2023-05-03)
CourseThis session focuses on typical roles and responsibilities of a deposit operations department and provides case studies involving fraud identified through daily processing and quality control reviews. W202310680A
ACH, Check, Wire, and Digital Banking: Fraud Detection and OFAC Requirements (2023-05-02)
CourseThis payments webinar will focus on common ACH, Check, Wire and Digital Banking Fraud attacks and case studies on how financial institutions are detecting, responding, and incorporating fraud mitigation in their daily operations. W202310970A
New CFPB Enforcement Actions on Regulation E and NSF Overdrafts (2023-04-27)
CourseThis bank regulation webinar will review this latest CFPB announcement and discuss how financial institutions are working to mitigate these risks and reviewing past years of possible violations of assessing fees. W202310810B