Law Enforcement Requests for Subpoenas, Levies and Garnishments (2023-02-21)
CourseFinancial institution records and funds on deposit often become the center of legal disputes and governmental enforcement actions such as 314a requests, subpoenas, garnishments, and tax levies. W202308880A
2023 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2023-02-21)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202304370B
Treasury Underwriting for ACH and Remote Deposit Capture: Differentiating between Credit vs Deposit Underwriting (2023-02-21)
CourseThis payments webinar will provide credit/lending officers with best practices to use for approving or declining new ACH and RDC clients, as well as providing best business practices for over-limit and exception situations. W202308800A
Wire Transfer Risks - Understanding and Mitigating Risk Exposure (2023-02-17)
CourseWire transfers have long been the preferred method of sending large dollar transactions and getting them sent quickly. Understand the risks associated with Wire transfers and sound practices to keep yourself protected. W202309470A
Properly Handling ACH Stop Payment, Unauthorized and Revoked Entries (2023-03-30)
CourseThis payments webinar covers network and regulatory expectations for complying with NACHA Rules requirements for stop payments, unauthorized transactions for consumers and commercial customers, and handling fraud events. W202310870A
Wire Transfer Requests Using eSign and UCC 4A (2023-02-17)
CourseThis wire webinar will take attendees through the legal framework of ESIGN as it relates to the acceptance of wire transfer requests and discuss how UCC4A applies. W202310860A