Deposit Operations Fraud Trends: Identification, Mitigation and Prevention (2022-09-28)
CourseThis session focuses on typical roles and responsibilities of a deposit operations department and provides case studies involving fraud identified through daily processing and quality control reviews. W202206200C
Streamlining Treasury Payment Agreements (2022-09-27)
CourseFor treasury teams considering consolidating their treasury agreements into one binding agreement. This session presents options for consolidating treasury agreements without requiring redistribution of agreements due to term changes. W202210120B
RDC Rules and Regs (2022-09-23)
CourseThis payments webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of RDC (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.) This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of rules and regs. W202208682C
ACH Basics for New Employees and Refresher for Existing Employees (2022-09-22)
CourseBasic areas covered include participants and flow, rules that govern the ACH, transmission into the ACH network, and the exchange of funds and transactions between the originating and receiving institution. W202209700C
Documenting BSA High Risk Reviews (2022-09-22)
CourseThis webinar takes attendees through rules changes, requests for comments and industry initiatives that could potentially impact your ACH operations, treasury management, risk management and payments strategy. W202209840B
Aligning Debit Card Programs with External Fraud Threats (2022-09-20)
CourseDebit card fraud losses have had a significant impact on the bottom line for many financial institutions due to social engineering attacks on their clients, increased number of system breaches. W202209750C