Treasury Underwriting for ACH and Remote Deposit Capture: Differentiating between Credit vs Deposit Underwriting (2022-08-25)
CourseThis payments webinar will provide credit/lending officers with best practices to use for approving or declining new ACH and RDC clients, as well as providing best business practices for over-limit and exception situations. W202208800C
Capital Ratios: 4 Key Call Report Ratios, How they are Developed, and What they Mean (2022-08-24)
CourseThe accounting webinar allows participants to be able to deal with the existing capital requirements by reviewing the Call Report approach to calculating regulatory Capital ratios. W202206320B
Wire Transfer Basics for New Employees and Refresher for Existing Employees (2022-08-23)
CourseThis webinar covers the basics of wire transfer and is great for new employees or as a refresher for existing employees, including transmission of the wire transfer into the wire network, wire transfer recalls, and common fraud trends. W202209710C
Upgrading Your BSA/AML/OFAC Program to Align With External Threats (2022-08-22)
CourseThis webinar provides best business practices and controls that are proven to be successful to effectively identify, mitigate and report suspicious activity. W202209850B
Enterprise Risk Management: A Best Practice in a Post-COVID-19 World (2022-07-28)
CourseCrafting the appropriate ERM that works for your organization is the key to creating a risk management system that provides the ability to handle unforeseen events and help to reduce uncertainty and volatility. W202210470A
Advanced Tax Return Analysis for the Banker (2022-07-12)
CourseThis loan webinar will provide the banker with several advanced tax return concepts and related analyses to help them work with their business customers. The remainder of the seminar will cover the following advanced tax topics. W202210320A