ACH Exception Processing (2-Part Series)
Managing Remote Deposit Capture Risks for Consumers and Businesses (2021-08-19)
CourseThis payments RDC webinar will take attendees through all types of remote deposit capture services and into effective methods for risk-rating customers, assigning exposure limits, and performing periodic reviews. W202106890C
Bank Fees and Service Charges: The Customer’s Viewpoint (2019-06-03)
CourseWhile banks continue to work hard to identify new sources of bottom-line revenue for 2019 and beyond, few topics have dominated the financial services industry over the last decade as much as fee income has. W201904480A
Human Trafficking - Mitigating Controls and Awareness in your BSA Program (2021-04-08)
CourseThis compliance webinar provides practical training for front-line staff based on case studies/investigations in which customer service representatives and tellers identified human trafficking events. Critical content for frontline staff. W202108820A
Capital Ratios: 4 Key Call Report Ratios, How they are Developed, and What they Mean (2020-12-16)
CourseThe accounting webinar coverage allows participants to be able to deal with the existing capital requirements by reviewing the Call Report approach to calculating regulatory Capital ratios. W202006300D
Passport Membership January 2020 - December 2020