Identification of Elder Financial Exploitation to Your Payments Program (2020-01-07)
CourseThis compliance training will take attendees through the different types of payment channels that are susceptible to elder financial exploitation and discuss how to mitigate the risks and identify potential elder financial exploitation. W202003830A
Debit Card and ACH Reg E Error Resolution: Questions, Scripts and Standards (2021-06-14)
CourseThis payments card webinar will cover all the issues you may face with a consumer debit card dispute and how to effectively take care of your consumer while complying with regulatory requirements. W202101560B
ACH Risk for Treasury Management Sales (2021-09-28)
CourseDoes your Cash or Treasury Management staff know all they need to know about the ACH services they are selling? Arm your Cash and Treasury Management staff with ACH knowledge to protect from loss, while helping them understand ACH better. W202109220A
Agricultural Finance Training: All 3 Parts (2019-06-18-20)
CourseThis 3 Part Lending series covers latest industry trends and best practices for meeting current challenges with your clients. It will address issues and opportunities for administration of the portfolio. B201905200B
Cybercrime Trends and Incident Response Training (2019-10-24)
CourseThis cybercrime webinar will focus on the threats, the FFIEC Guidance which is the minimal guidance for financial institutions to comply, effective payment fraud mitigation controls and the importance of incident response plans. W201906180B
2021 and Beyond NACHA Rules Updates, Requests for Comments and Industry Initiatives (2021-04-23)
CourseThis payments webinar will take attendees through 2021 rules changes, requests for comments and industry initiatives that will impact your ACH operations, treasury management, risk management and payments strategy. W202108730C