Compliance Training for the Frontline (2020-03-10)
CourseIn this compliance webinar training, focus is on specific requirements and guidelines that effect your role and responsibilities as a member of the frontline. We will discuss common account transactions and specific regulations. W202007830A
Mind the GAAP: What Recent Changes in US GAAP Accounting Mean for Borrowers and Lenders during the Pandemic (2021-05-12)
CourseBusiness and economy do change over time, and several new principles warrant review to understand how they will affect both borrowers and lenders, specifically, new GAAP for revenue recognition, lease capitalization, and CECL. W202109150B
Reg E vs. ACH: Friends or Foes? (2021-04-21)
CourseSome EFTs may be considered “Errors” under Regulation E, while certain ACH Entries may be handled with a Written Statement. Attend this informative compliance webinar and leave feeling relieved from the confusion. W202107300A
Debit Card and ACH Reg E Error Resolution: Questions, Scripts and Standards (2021-03-15)
CourseThis payments webinar will take you through all the issues you may face with a consumer debit card dispute and how to effectively take care of your consumer while complying with regulatory requirements. W202101560A
BSA Officer Roundtable on Challenges, Opportunities and Best Business Practices (2021-06-02)
CourseThis BSA webinar is perfect for BSA and Compliance personnel that want to know how to handle daily issues that arise requiring the balance between serving the customer and ensuring the protection of the financial institution. W202108870A
Unique Financial Instruments 101 ONLY: Derivative Products and Their Usage (2020-09-30)
CourseDerivative products and their usage have been widespread. This webinar attempts to clear up the confusion by demystifying the entire derivative usage area and taking away the mystique surrounding the derivative area of practice. B202008441B