Operating Performance - Profitability, Productivity and Efficiency (2020-12-17)
CourseThis financial and lending webinar covers evaluating borrower's operating performance, identifying critical elements of profit and loss statements, and judging borrower's performance trends and results. W202008631B
Topmost Inefficient Controls in your BSA/AML Departments (2021-09-30)
CourseFinancial institutions may have experienced external audit and regulatory criticism based on the inability to perform critical controls in ACH, RDC, Wire Transfers positive pay or other treasury related products. W202109060B
Global Cash Flow and Global Debt Service Coverage (2020-08-26)
CourseGlobal cash flow is critical to analyzing and underwriting commercial borrowers, especially privately held firms where the owners and the company are so closely bound together that their assets, liabilities, and income are commingled. W202008030B
Debit Card Fraud and Prevention Strategies Best Practices (2021-06-29)
CourseDebit card fraud has had a significant impact on bottom line losses to the financial institutions based on increased breaches and the ability for fraudsters to use systematic and other effective methods for obtaining card information. W202108940B
Beneficial Ownership: Recent Changes and Beneficial Owners of Multiple Layers of Business Relationships (2020-09-04)
CourseBeneficial ownership rules have been in place for two years and require a financial institution to implement the most significant change to its BSA/Anti-money laundering program in the past decade. B202008679A
RDC Rules and Regs (2021-07-20)
CourseThis payments webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of RDC (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.) This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of rules and regs. W202108682A