Passport Membership January 2021 - December 2021
Training Executives and Board Members on Fraud Threats and Trends: Train-the-Trainer Webinar (2020-08-13)
CourseA fraud prevention program is an essential part of any financial institution’s overall strategy based on external and internal fraud threats. This provides a train-the trainer information session on educating execs on fraud threats. W202007520A
Call Report RC-R: Complying with Basel III Minimum Regulatory Capital Standards (2021-08-24)
CourseThe most important Call Report Schedule and probably the most difficult to complete is Schedule RC-R. That Schedule is designed to calculate the four important key ratios that show whether the financial institution is in compliance. W202109520B
Wire Transfer Fraud – Detecting, Preventing and Recovery (2020-02-18)
CourseThis payments fraud webinar covers different scenarios for detecting wire transfer fraud from the wire transfer request through the wire transfer processing cycle up to final entrance into the financial institution. W202004990A
BSA Risks of Banking High Risk Customers or Entities (2020-08-26)
CourseRegulators insist they don’t want you to derisk. If you decide to take on potentially or actually higher risk customers, what specific steps or processes are needed to appropriately manage the AML/CTF risks? W202007700B
Overview of FDICIA and SOX for Bank Internal and External Auditors (2021-08-10)
CourseThis banking webinar identifies and explains historical events and legislative milestones as well as compliance requirements associated with FDICIA and SOX. W202106820C