2021 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2021-02-10)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but offers critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202104370B
NACHA Rules Changes for 2022 and Beyond: Rules Updates, Requests for Comment and Industry Initiatives (2021-12-15)
CourseThis annual NACHA Rules Changes webinar takes attendees through rules changes, requests for comments and industry initiatives that could potentially impact your ACH operations, treasury management, risk management and payments strategy. W202109640B
Review of Savings with Newest Call Report for Eligible Small Institutions (FFIEC #051) (2021-05-10)
CourseTo reduce regulatory burden (i.e. excessive overhead) the FFIEC introduced a new Call Report (FFIEC #051) for depository institutions with domestic offices only and less than $5 billion total assets. W202106990A
Compliance Training for the Frontline (2021-05-13)
CourseIn this compliance webinar training, focus is on specific requirements and guidelines that effect your role and responsibilities as a member of the frontline. We will discuss common account transactions and specific regulations. W202107840B
Treasury Services Training - Setting Limits and Approving Over-Limits for ACH and RDC Clients (2021-06-24)
CourseMany institutions struggle with how to set strong exposure limits for their ACH and RDC clients. What is the right exposure limit to assign? Is there a calculation that works best? Is the exposure limit is too high or low? W202108790B
Review of Savings with Newest Call Report for Eligible Small Institutions (FFIEC #051) (2020-10-15)
CourseTo reduce regulatory burden (i.e. excessive overhead) the FFIEC introduced a new Call Report (FFIEC #051) for depository institutions with domestic offices only and less than $5 billion total assets. W202006990C