Mind the GAAP: What Recent Changes in US GAAP Accounting Mean for Borrowers and Lenders during the Pandemic (2021-01-22)
CourseBusiness and economy do change over time, and several new principles warrant review to understand how they will affect both borrowers and lenders, specifically, new GAAP for revenue recognition, lease capitalization, and CECL. W202109150A
201 - Key Elements
Effective Emails—How to Write Better Emails (2020-08-03)
CourseThis management webinar will teach you how to write clearer emails to receive better responses. Well-written emails save time because they allow the recipient to clearly understand the task at hand and respond appropriately. W202008580A
All New! 2021 Accounting for Financial Institutions: ALL 3 CLASSES (2021-09-27)
CourseThis 3-part series continues to be a popular, informative and unique addition to courses available to bank accountants, auditors finance personnel and others. The updated version continues to provide knowledge for professionals. B202105570C
New! Payments Education 103 - Introduction to Checks (2021-06-30)
CourseWesPay’s payments webinar on Introduction to Checks session includes a history and the required components of a check, check processing regulations, forward and return processing. W202109460A
Managing and Maintaining Your Credit Administration and Credit Policy (2020-06-16)
CourseCredit administration (CA) connects the organization’s credit strategy, credit approval, credit extension, and credit management tasks into a coherent credit risk management function. W202008010B