Auditor Responsibility for Fraud on Regular and Fraud Detection Audits (2019-12-05)
CourseFraud is a reality for all entities. Whether perpetrated by insiders or outsiders it could be at a material level. Corporate management charged with the responsibility for good internal controls must consider the possibility of fraud. W201906280B
Call Center/Client Facing Fraud Management: Important Red Flags for Identifying Fraud (2020-01-07)
CourseThis compliance webinar is a great session for training your front-line staff, customer call centers and/or any department that receives high volumes of customer inquiries. W202006140A
Universal Branch Employees - Answering the Burning Questions (2019-01-16)
CourseMany FIs are thinking about or attempting to transition from traditional tellers/CSRs into some form of a Universal Banker/Branch Employee.
Non-Resident Alien (NRA) Accounts: Opening, Monitoring and Tax Reporting (2021-11-17)
CourseOpening and managing accounts for nonresident aliens (NRAs) can be challenging. What types of identification can I request? How to handle a missing social security number? How do we report interest earned at year-end? W202109090C
Basics of Debit Card Disputes – Consumer Notification to Closing Investigation (2020-06-26)
CourseThis payments webinar will take you through all the issues you may face with a consumer debit card dispute and how to effectively take care of your consumer while balancing Regulation E requirements. W202004910C
Next Generation Audit