Accountholder Death Requirements - Documentation, POD, POA, Checklist and More (2024-02-07)
CourseWorking with relatives of an accountholder who has recently passed can be difficult and emotionally trying. The situation becomes more stressful when banks and CUs are unsure of proper procedures to follow. W202408290A
Problem Loan Workout Challenges in Today's Market (2024-02-07)
CourseLoan webinar begins with a review of the basics of how a commercial loan request “should be” processed in order to avoid a problem loan. This will include a review of “correct” business structure, the 6 elements of proper loan support. W202410360A
New Beneficial Ownership Rules: What You Need to Know (2024-02-01)
CourseIn this banking compliance webinar we will discuss the final beneficial ownership rules for 2024 and their impact on your CDD program now. W202411130A
The Rise of Debit Card Fraud: Investigating Debit Card App and Person to Person (P2P) Fraud (2024-02-01)
CourseDebit card fraud is an ongoing concern for financial institutions. This session will review trends in debit card fraud, technology tools available and best business practices for identifying authorized vs. unauthorized fraud. W202410910A
2024 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2024-02-15)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202404370B
2024 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2024-01-16)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202404370A