Check Fraud Trends, Fraudulent Check Disputes and Reg CC Updates: Avoid Losses and Improve Recovery Efforts (2020-09-04)
CourseThis check webinar will cover the Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circular and Electronic Check Clearing House Organization (ECCHO) Rules and provide clarity on the warranties and liabilities of the Bank of Deposit and Paying Bank. B202008677A
Human Trafficking - Mitigating Controls and Awareness in your BSA Program (2021-11-09)
CourseThis banking webinar provides practical training for front-line staff based on case studies/investigations in which customer service representatives and tellers identified human trafficking events. Critical content for frontline staff. W202108820C
CFPB Remittance Transfer Rule - Compliance Update and Review for All Banks and CUs (2021-03-29)
CourseThe Regulation E Remittance Transfer Rule ensures consumers have the information needed related to fees, availability and rights. This Subpart has been complex from implementation and can create significant risk if not properly followed. W202109240A
Non-Resident Alien (NRA) Compliance for Account Management (2020-01-23)
CourseIn this informative bank compliance webinar, you will learn how to effectively identify nonresident aliens, conduct enhanced due diligence at account opening, and appropriately monitor these high-risk relationships. W202007850A
Lending to the High Net Worth Market (2019-08-20)
CourseLending to wealthy individuals is different in many ways, but the basics are still the same. How to lend to them and communicate it is as important as why, but be sure you have the infrastructure in place. W201907080A
Risk Assessment Roadmap: Establishing Risk Assessments to Guide Your Compliance Program (2021-02-19)
Coursein this session we are going to discuss how your risk assessments can serve as the road map for scheduling monitoring processes, internal and external audits, and staff training. We will work through common hazards and roadblocks... W202109110A