Post Pandemic Planning – Getting in Front of Your Loan Portfolio and Back to Business (2020-07-23)
CourseAs the world begins its reset to the changes in behaviors, business, and the return to normalcy, every lender must face the challenges of identifying the problems within the loan portfolio that have been caused. W202008510A
Commercial Bank Call Report Intermediate Training – Details of Actual Call Report Filing (2020-12-07)
CourseThis 90-minute accounting training uses a recently filed Call Report as a guide for explaining the important lines on both the Call Report Balance Sheet and Call Report Income Statement. W202006980C
Lease Capitalization—How Moving from Off-Balance Sheet to On-Balance Sheet Affects Borrowers and Lenders (2021-02-17)
CourseThis leasing webinar will explain why and when lease capitalization will be implemented and show how capitalizing both operating leases and financing leases affects the financial condition and performance of borrowers. W202109160A
All New! 2020-2021 Accounting for Financial Institutions: 101, 201, 301 ALL 3 CLASSES (2020-12-02)
CourseThis 3-part series continues to be a popular, informative and unique addition to courses available to bank accountants, auditors finance personnel and others. The updated version continues to provide knowledge for professionals. B202005570D
New to Regulation E Staff Training on the Front-Line (2020-01-30)
CourseThis training provides new staff on the front line the opportunity to learn about Regulation E and breakdown the requirements for gathering the right information to pass to the back-office for the completion of the investigation. W202007350A
Investigating Debit Card Disputes while Balancing Debit Card Losses (2021-08-26)
CourseHandling debit card disputes are an integral part of a financial institutions requirements to comply with Regulation E while not writing off unnecessary debit card losses. What questions do you ask a consumer based on the circumstance? W202108980B