Understanding External Transfer Fraud and How to Mitigate Your Risks (2021-09-23)
CourseExternal transfers is a service offered by financial institutions to move funds between an account holder at their institution to another financial institution owned by the same individual. There has been an uptick of external fraud. W202108950B
NACHA Rules and Payments Industry Changes 2020 - Learn the Latest NACHA Rules Changes (2020-03-05)
CourseThis payments webinar will provide detail on the 2020 NACHA Operating Rules and a faster payments status on industry initiatives with real-time payments, same day ACH and faster payments. W202007330B
Construction Lending and Real Estate Credit Administration (2021-02-23)
CourseMost bankers acknowledge that construction lending is riskier than other types of commercial loans. This lending webinar addresses how to mitigate risk, and offers guidance on how to extend construction loans safely and profitably. W202108410A
Loan Review Best Practices (2020-04-23)
CourseLoan growth is on most agendas, but there may be too many financial institutions pursuing a limited number of opportunities. In this environment, it is important to be razor-focused on managing and monitoring portfolios. W202005210A
Effective Call Report Review for Executive Management (2020-10-13)
CourseLearn how to how to effectively review the Call Report to ensure accuracy by staying up to date on reporting changes, focusing key schedules and reviewing software reporting tools. W202007680B
BSA Risks of Banking High Risk Customers or Entities (2020-04-22)
CourseRegulators insist they don’t want you to derisk. If you decide to take on potentially or actually higher risk customers, what specific steps or processes are needed to appropriately manage the AML/CTF risks? W202007700A