Identification of Check Fraud on the Front-line: Alterations, Forgeries, Counterfeits and Remotely Deposited Checks (2022-05-03)
CourseCheck fraud takes many forms and continues to cost the financial industry a significant amount of money each year. This webinar reviews types of check fraud and how to identify characteristics that could indicate a check is fraudulent. W202209880A
Lending to Borrowers Over the Business Cycle and Recessions (2022-04-28)
CourseBusiness cycles are inevitable, and bankers must understand borrowers’ funding needs through a cycles four phases—early expansion, late expansion, early contraction, and late contraction. W202210170A
Handling Reclamations and Death Notification Entries (DNEs) - Requirements and Best Business Practices (2022-04-28)
CourseProcessing ACH payments from the Federal Government can be a challenge based on the decision to post, return and those situations requiring the financial institution to recover funds when these funds are withdrawn prematurely. W202210530A
Deposit Operations Fraud Trends: Identification, Mitigation and Prevention (2022-05-12)
CourseThis session focuses on typical roles and responsibilities of a deposit operations department and provides case studies involving fraud identified through daily processing and quality control reviews. W202206200B
Wire Transfer Basics for New Employees and Refresher for Existing Employees (2022-05-10)
CourseThis webinar covers the basics of wire transfer and is great for new employees or as a refresher for existing employees, including transmission of the wire transfer into the wire network, wire transfer recalls, and common fraud trends. W202209710B
Online Account Application Fraud: Identification Prevention and Recovery (2022-05-04)
CourseThis webinar takes attendees through implementation of effective tools to identify account application fraud and best business practices to identify, handle and escalate these threats. W202209870B