Check Returns and Adjustments: Do’s and Don’ts (2022-05-17)
CourseThis check webinar will address rights of the paying bank for the return of checks and how to make an adjustment claim against the depository bank when necessary, mitigating and reducing overall risk. W202201550B
Adopting CECL in Small to Midsized Institutions (2022-06-07)
CourseFASB’s Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) standard is coming in 2023 for non-SEC filers and this accounting webinar will focus on the latest thinking in the industry about how CECL can be adopted by small and mid-sized institutions. W202210430A
Regulation E Requirements for Person to Person (P2P) Payments (2022-06-15)
CourseThis timely payments webinar covers compliance requirements for P2P disputes and provide financial institutions with best business practices for complying with Regulation E while protecting the bank or credit union. W202208540B
Check Rules and Regulations: Understanding UCC 3, 4 and Reg CC (2-Part Series)(2022-06-14)
CourseUniform Commercial Code (UCC) sections 3, 4 and Regulation CC play significant parts in your check operations. Scenarios will be used to illustrate key warranties and how breach of warranty situations may be handled. T202209260B
Fintech at Your Doorstep: What Can Banks do NOW to Collaborate with Emerging Fintech Companies (2022-06-01)
CourseThis informative training will focus on various aspects to consider when traditional financial institutions and fintech companies assess each other for a collaborative effort to address customers’ needs. W202210510A
Online Account Opening Preparation - Meeting Customer and Regulatory Expectations (2022-06-29)
CourseThis session will help you navigate the online account opening landscape and provide useful tips to guide you on selecting the platform that is right for your institution and meets regulatory expectations. W202210450A