Corporate/Treasury Client Fraud Awareness Training (2022-06-29)
CourseThis fraud webinar covers fraud trends in corporate account takeover, social engineering threats, and the most popular gaps in a corporate customer’s payment processes that lead to fraud in payment systems. W202210130B
Fair Lending Enforcement: Examiner Expectations for Your Fair Lending Program (2022-06-02)
CourseHow to conduct a fair lending risk assessment, ideas and techniques for monitoring your loan data for risk indicators, and other ideas to ensure you have a robust fair lending program. W202210440A
IT Examination Hot Topics - Cybersecurity (2022-05-24)
CourseThe latest FFIEC and interagency guidance in regard to cybersecurity and the roles and responsibilities within your financial institution. Resources provided for enhancing your training program and the effectiveness of your Cybersecurity. W202210520A
BSA Officer Challenges, Decision Making and Handling Higher Risk Exceptions (2022-05-19)
CourseThis session is designed for BSA and Compliance support teams to learn best business practices for handling daily issues that arise that require balancing the need to service the client and protecting the financial institution. W202209770A
Risk-Based Approach for Effectively Risk Rating and Monitoring Your Treasury Customers (2022-05-26)
CourseFinancial institutions struggle with understanding how to effectively risk rate their treasury clients based on products and services, financial status, bank statement history, transactional risk reviews, and meeting BSA standards. W202206240B
Trends in Call Center Fraud and Leading Practices for Identification and Response (2022-05-26)
CourseAttendees will learn best business practices for identifying red flags to quickly identify a possible fraudster, how to handle fraud situations and how to organize different call paths to identify red flag events. W202209810B