RDC Rules and Regs (2022-05-25)
CourseThis payments webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of RDC (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.) This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of rules and regs. W202208682B
Aligning Debit Card Programs with External Fraud Threats (2022-05-24)
CourseDebit card fraud losses have had a significant impact on the bottom line for many financial institutions due to social engineering attacks on their clients, increased number of system breaches. W202209750B
Accounting for Financial Institutions: ALL 3 CLASSES (2022-05-24)
CourseThis 3-part series continues to be a popular, informative and unique addition to courses available to bank accountants, auditors finance personnel and others. The updated version continues to provide knowledge for professionals. B202205570B
Why EBITDA Doesn't Spell Cash Flow (2022-05-23)
CourseEBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) is a popular measure of cash flow, but it is not accurate, and those who rely on it as an indicator of repayment ability will be deeply disappointed W202208020B
Banking Non-Resident and Resident Aliens: Documentation and Ongoing Monitoring Best Practices (2022-05-19)
CourseThis webinar takes attendees through an easy-to-understand process for effectively obtaining the right documentation at account opening and gathering future documentation if needed throughout the duration of the account relationship. W202207450B
Treasury Underwriting for ACH and Remote Deposit Capture: Differentiating between Credit vs Deposit Underwriting (2022-05-18)
CourseThis payments webinar will provide credit/lending officers with best practices to use for approving or declining new ACH and RDC clients, as well as providing best business practices for over-limit and exception situations. W202208800B