Lease Capitalization - Impacts Your Borrowers' Leverage, Liquidity, Profitability and Repayment Ability (2022-02-18)
CourseThis bank webinar will explain why and when lease capitalization will be implemented and show how capitalizing both operating leases and financing leases will impact the financial condition and performance of borrowers. W202210160A
Banking Military Personnel (2022-03-15)
CourseThe Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Military Lending Act (MLA) limits the amount that creditors may charge, including interest, fees, and charges imposed for credit insurance, debt cancellation and suspension. W202210190A
Implementing A Lockbox And Electronic Billing And Presentment Program (EBPP) (2022-03-08)
CourseLockbox and EBPP services are offered by financial institutions to ease the bill payment process for their client. These products can speed-up the collection and processing of account receivables. W202209670A
Overview of FDICIA and SOX for Bank Internal and External Auditors (2022-03-04)
CourseThis banking webinar identifies and explains historical events and legislative milestones as well as compliance requirements associated with FDICIA and SOX. W202206820A
RTP® Specialist Certification
CourseThis payments certification will focus on the critical aspects of the RTP® network for all Financial Services professionals, covering rules, regulations, risks, audit implications and much more, with quizzes on all topics.
Regulation E Requirements for Person to Person (P2P) Payments (2022-03-01)
CourseThis timely payments webinar covers compliance requirements for P2P disputes and provide financial institutions with best business practices for complying with Regulation E while protecting the bank or credit union. W202208540A