Check Rules and Regulations: Understanding UCC 3, 4 and Reg CC (2-Part Series)(2022-02-15)
CourseUniform Commercial Code (UCC) sections 3, 4 and Regulation CC play significant parts in your check operations. Scenarios will be used to illustrate key warranties and how breach of warranty situations may be handled. T202209260A
Accounting for Financial Institutions: ALL 3 CLASSES (2022-02-14)
CourseThis 3-part series continues to be a popular, informative and unique addition to courses available to bank accountants, auditors finance personnel and others. The updated version continues to provide knowledge for professionals. B202205570A
Risk Assessment Roadmap: Establishing Risk Assessments to Guide Your Compliance Program (2022-02-10)
CourseIn this risk webinar, you'll discover how risk assessments can serve as a road map for scheduling monitoring processes, internal and external audits, and staff training. Understand common hazards and roadblocks that jam the process. W202209110A
Regulation CC: Funds Availability, Warranties and Indemnities Updated and Explained (2022-01-27)
CourseIn 1989 Regulation CC implemented the Expedited Funds Availability Act, providing quicker access to funds from deposited checks. Changes provide solutions to past warranty issues. W202209290A
Adverse Action in Mortgage Lending: Compliance, Notices, and Best Practices (2022-02-02)
CourseReg B and Fair Credit Reporting Act requirements for adverse action notification in mortgage lending can be confusing. Participants receive a tool for the 2nd review of adverse action notices for both Reg B and Fair Credit Reporting. W202207890A
Why EBITDA Doesn't Spell Cash Flow (2022-02-01)
CourseEBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) is a popular measure of cash flow, but it is not accurate, and those who rely on it as an indicator of repayment ability will be deeply disappointed W202208020A