Real-Time Payments 3-Part Bootcamp: Fundamentals, Players, Pre-requisites, Messages and Prefunding (2021-04-05)
CourseBack by popular demand! With faster payments, everything is about how fast, how soon, and how will it work. Join this repeat of Kevin Olsen, the Payments Professor, where he addresses the questions everyone is asking about FedNOW. B202108660B
2021 - Financial Services and the Year Ahead with Tom Brown, Leading Hedge Fund Manager and Industry Analyst (2021-01-14)
CourseTom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but offers critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. F202104370A
Asset Based Lending: Policy and Underwriting Guidance for Borrowing Base Lending on Receivables and Inventory (2021-07-13)
CourseMonitoring and controlling collateral is critical to asset-based lenders to mitigate repayment risk. Collateral evaluation begins with a comprehensive field examination to determine value, followed by a program of periodic examinations. W202108600B
Handling Difficult Elder Financial Exploitation Events: Training Frontline Staff on Effective Communication (2020-09-24)
CourseHow do you handle situations when both the victim and their abuser is at the financial institutions to withdraw funds? This BSA Compliance webinar will focus on best business practices for handling these difficult situations. W202007540A
Periodic Reviews of Treasury Customers: Moving Reviews from Annual ACH/RDC Schedule to Risk-Based Periodic Reviews (2020-09-29)
CourseThis webinar will provide attendees with best business practices for effectively moving from an annual review schedule to a risk-based schedule while complying with regulatory guidance and network rules. W202007490B
Selecting The Right Bank Charter – Benefits, Drawbacks and Processes (2019-02-07)
Coursen particular, this webinar will address important benefits of operating through a bank charter, the consequences of operating through a bank charter, the process for forming and acquiring a bank, and different charter types available.