Head Teller Training: Maximizing Teller Performance (2021-06-21)
CourseThis must-attend session will cover communication methods, developing creative learning experiences, teamwork, organizational skills, management principles, and performance feedback. W202107880B
Review of Savings with Newest Call Report for Eligible Small Institutions (FFIEC #051) (2020-02-05)
CourseTo reduce regulatory burden (i.e. excessive overhead) the FFIEC introduced a new Call Report (FFIEC #051) for depository institutions with domestic offices only and less than $5 billion total assets. W202006990A
Branch Manager’s Guide for Improving Customer Experience and Satisfaction (2019-02-25)
CourseMichael Beird, former Director of the Banking and Credit Card Practices for JD Power and current industry consultant on Customer Satisfaction in Financial Services, will focus on what customers expect and want most from their banking experience.
Real-Time Payments 3-Part Bootcamp: Fundamentals, Players, Pre-requisites, Messages and Prefunding (2020-09-14)
CourseJoin the Payments Professor in this 3-part FinTech Payments Webinar Bootcamp to learn what Real Time Payments (RTP®) is, how it works, what it's not, who controls and oversees the network. B202008660A
Credit Policies: Writing, Implementing and Maintaining (2021-07-13)
CourseA bank's credit policy is the organization’s rule book for its credit risk management strategy, and it also reflects the organization’s credit culture. Attendees will learn how to diagnose their own credit policies to identify any gaps. W202109140B
Flood Insurance Compliance: Updates and FAQs, Including Private Flood Requirements (2020-01-22)
CourseExaminers have recently updated their flood examination procedures – have your institution’s policies, procedures, training, and monitoring activities kept pace? W202007900A